Thursday, March 29, 2012

...but I love republicanism

Wow. Incendiary, volatile, angry. My previous post is all those things. At this point, I think it necessary to differentiate between Republicans and republicans.

The ideal of republicanism is a long standing tradition within the Vermont ethos. Little "r" republicanism is essentially a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people". This means that if we want our government to provide universal health care, then the government should provide universal health care. If we want to shutdown Vermont Yankee, then we should be able to shut down Vermont Yankee.

Unfortunately, the modern Republican Party does not serve the people anymore but instead works to preserve and promote the wealthy and the privileged. They serve the multi-national corporation and the people who run them. Members of the Republican Party are no longer republicans.

This is our highest ideal, this republicanism. As we lose our power to control the actions of our government, as the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, continue to fester, as corporations become more important than people, as security becomes more important than liberty, we lose our republicanism and we become...enslaved.

PS. Thank you my dear readers for waiting such a long time for a post. I will be writing more often, I promise. And look "f" words!

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