Thursday, February 24, 2011

All Republicans are Fucking Liars

"At last we have more room to play.
All systems go to kill the poor tonight.

Kill kill kill kill kill the poor.
kill kill kill Kill kill the poor
kill kill kill Kill kill the poor…Tonight"

The Dead Kennedy's 1980

All Republicans are Fucking Liars. Yes, I said it. Finally the truth is out. You think Republicans care about the deficit? What a laugh. The recent Congressional Budget Office report projects a 1.5 trillion deficit for the upcoming year, an increase of 400 billion from its previous projections. Why? Because of the renewal of the huge Bush era tax cuts. Yes, that's right. The Republicans actions caused a massive increase to the very thing they have stridently campaigned against. So obviously, when they are freakin' out about the deficit, they are fucking lying.

So what is their real agenda? Well, the first and most important thing is to preserve the wealthprivilege that is the perceived birthright of the uber-wealthy. There is a decade’s long trend of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. Allowing extremely wealthy people to keep more money than they know what to do with is a detriment to our society at large.

The second part of their agenda is related to the first and becomes apparent after looking at what they are cutting from federal spending and that is to cut as much spending for the poor as they can. They are cutting every service that government offers. Do you think those services serve the wealthyprivileged? No, they serve the poor. Who is going to take the brunt of all this deficit reduction? That's right, the poor. Who is getting tax cuts? Oh yeah, I already mentioned that; the fucking rich. To the wealthyprivileged and their Republican (and sometimes Democrat) lackeys, the poor are never going away and any investment on the lower demographic is a waste of money that they should have. This also speaks to the essential racism of Republicans, because guess what? A high proportion of the poor are people of color and who gives a fuck about them. Never mind the poor white trailer trash. Fuck them too. They are only fodder for manipulation, the stupid fucking ignorant idiots (that probably is not very PC, sorry).

The third prong is the advancement of cultural agenda of the white man's wealthprivilege that is narrowly defined by their Judeo-Christian arrogance that has dominated and destroyed everything and everyone in its path for the last 600 years (ask a native american about immigrants). This allows Republicans to gay bash, to declare Obama’s birth certificate invalid and to call him a Muslim; to cut funding for Planned Parenthood and for heating aid for the poor; to build walls on our borders and to call those in dissent unpatriotic. If you don’t say the pledge of allegiance you’re unpatriotic. If you don’t wear a flag lapel then you are not a true American. If you don’t believe in ruining every last acre of global real estate in the pursuit of fossil fuel, then you must be a God-damned Commie. It is ultimately anti-freedom and anti-liberty and the very definition of tyranny.

And of course, we are also seeing a full court press on workers rights. Not only are Republicans wanting to maintain a large poverty class, they are also interested in destroying what’s left of our middle class. Events in Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio and Idaho confirm this. All one needs to do is to see the motivations of such scumbags like Rupert Murdoch and the Koch brothers to see their nefarious trends.

Please, please, please be vigilant towards those who would like to steal our rights. Cut benefits for the poor and disadvantaged to balance the budget? Well at least tax the fucking rich. They need to pay a disproportionate amount because they are the only ones with any kind of discretionary money. I’m sorry, but they can wait another year to upgrade their Porsche SUV. The rest of us are struggling just to survive.

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