Monday, November 3, 2008

Time to Secede

Kyle Gilbert’s death, as well as every American soldier’s death, and every Iraqi man, woman and child’s death caused by our imperialist invasion, is murder perpetuated by the neocon/neofascist movement (see the Project for a New American Century), as well as the entire corporate elite that have economically enslaved the American people and by us, whose silent complicity has allowed these crimes against humanity to be committed in our names. It is time for us to rise up and atone for our collective sins by learning to live correctly and sustainably in all of our personal, business, and political actions. The United States of America has been perpetuating crimes against the ideals of democracy, self-government, individual liberty and localized community based living throughout its 200+ years of existence (see the Whiskey Rebellion, Shea’s Rebellion, 400 years of Native American genocide, No Child Left Behind, the Phillipines in the early 20th century, Iran 1953, nearly every Latin American country in the 20th century, Iraq 2003). It is time for people to start standing up for the pure democracy of one person, one vote that we Vermonters uniquely practice every year at town meeting. It is time to throw off the immoral mantle of American imperialism and to dedicate ourselves as Vermonters to provide a society based on true justice, individual liberty, personal responsibility, private ownership of our means of survival and local, community based sustainability and to build a place where basic human rights are guaranteed for every useful citizen. It is time for us Vermonters to bring back the citizen soldier, who owns and understands the tools of self-defense that are needed to protect our freedoms and liberties. It is time for the immoral politicos of Washington DC and the insatiable financiers of New York to get their greedy fingers out of Vermont and for us to once again rise up as Vermonters against immorality, tyranny and hate. It is time to re-stake our claim of self-governance. It is time for us to secede.

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