Tuesday, November 11, 2008

time to secede; take 2

The upcoming lame-duck session of the US Congress convenes on November 17. They will be facing an overwhelming situation including being asked to bailout the automakers. Without massive government intervention, GM will declare bankruptcy before the end of the year. Ford has 6-9 months (maybe). AIG, who previously was bailed out to the tune of $85 billion dollars will need an additional 40. And it’s still going to fail. The collapse of our national economic system is at hand. We are being led to believe that that matters to us, when in fact, we have here in Vermont, all the resources we need to live independently and sustainably. As Vermonters, we need to begin to invest in the infrastructure that will guide us into our future. This means solar/wind farms in every community. This means community gardens/orchards on every corner. This means localizing our control of education. This means creating a health care system that relieves small businesses from providing the expense of that system. It is time to start thinking about separating ourselves from this convulsing beast of an empire. It is time for us to start taking value in the strength of our local community. It is time for us to secede. FreeVermont.

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