Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Thank you for taking the time to visit and participate in this blog. This is an experiment for me and I hope you can excuse any gross errors, wild rants and other various vulgarities. Especially beware any blog posted after 2 AM. Consider yourself forewarned.
In this blog I hope to provide a steady commentary on our society as it transitions from the 20th century version of industrialization and globalization into the 21st century unknown. I hope to use historical context to help understand current situations which will then help us understand possible future outcomes. What is causing our global crisis and why? What are the actions and motivations that are being expressed on the global stage? What can you and I do that will make a difference? How can we prepare ourselves for the unknown future?
My basic premise is that when (not if, but when) global systems fail due to the perfect storm of peak oil, overpopulation and environmental degradation, it is you and me that will be responsible for the continuing survival of our progeny and our communities. Always, we must ask: what skills do I have that will help me survive when our global transportation system breaks down and our supermarket shelves become empty? What will you do when the sea levels rise a couple of feet and our coastal cities will have to evacuate? What will happen when the world’s 5th largest economy (California) experiences “the big one” and fails to function? Do you think our gov’t in Washington DC can effectively handle that crisis? Do you think the mass starvation of billions of people worldwide will affect your life?
We are on the edge of a re-awakening as our current global social system begins to disintegrate; we see the evidence everyday in the news and at the gas station. I believe that a localized communitarian based democracy is the only form of gov’t that will lead us through the looming crisis. Sustainability in every action is the key to our survival. It is my hope, through this blog, to educate, influence and inspire both common thought and common action towards a more egalitarian, communal and peaceful society.

Congratulations, by completing this post, you have passed the ADHD test. Make sure you take the poll and check out the links for lots more information.

the vermont patriot

1 comment:

  1. Ever since I arrived to a state of manhood, I have felt a sincere passion for liberty. The history of nations doomed to perpetual slavery, in consequence of yielding up to tyrants their natural born liberties, I read with a sort of philosophical horror; so that the first systematical and bloody attempt at Lexington, to enslave America, thoroughly electrified my mind, and fully determined me to take part with my country.
