Thursday, December 31, 2009

peak oil update

Oil is on the rise again. Note how volatility in the market is expected for the coming year. Demand is expected to increase due to rising consumption associated with the expected economic recovery. This means that our economic demand is dependent on economic stability. Due to instability in world markets, this means that there are going to be large fluctuations in the demand, the supply and the cost of oil. We have seen (are seeing) this happen before (right now). We will continue to see volatility in the oil market until the entire system crashes. This is a result of the peak oil syndrome. We will never run out of oil. This is because our socio-economic system will crash long before all the oil is gone. We use nearly 20 million barrels of oil a day. What would our society look like if we had to reduce to 15 million barrels a day? What about 5 million (just about as much as we produced in 2009)? The collapse of our society, as we know it, is inevitable. What are you doing about it? As always, the solutions lie within our selves. It is us that will need to create the solutions to our current and future crises.